Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Clear reflection

Well, another place to add to the list of amazing spots I've found myself stretching. Alburqurque, New Mexico. I never would have thought I'd come here, but it's been amazing. The ever changing skys stretch for miles of clouds that occasionally gather for an unexpected lightning performance. The bluffs and dry, rugged hills jut against the horizon creating the appearance of a child's construction paper cutouts.
And the circumstances that brought me here have been thought provoking.
And here's a whole new way I am going to give a shot for expressing them.

I read a quote yesterday in a museum in Santa Fe called the Awakening Experience that didn't impress me much at the time, but stuck with me and my thoughts of this summer.
"We do not remember days, We remember moments" Cesare PaveseĀ”

These past few months have been full of some memorable moments. With my over-achieving nature, I thought I would root myself in Tacoma, thinking that my next biggest challenge would be to stay put in one place for more than 3 months, rather than the usual busying of myself on the move doing something new. But in hindsite, I realize my most healthy challenge was admitting that I'm not as strong as I think I have to be and to be okay cutting myself a little slack. And boy howdy am I glad I did.

I got to spend the first few weeks in Tacoma working at the Spar eery night making some dough and pretty good friends. I'm happy I headed back to Grass Valley after that. Nothing like old friends and surroundings for a little reminder of who you are and all you've been working towards. A little clarity. Though I've recognized the freedom of not limiting yourself by living with your personality traits completely influencing your actions, I've also realized how fiery I feel when I use them to my advantage and when I remember the goals those traits urge me strive for.
Then in one day I woke up in a tent with my Rosie in the Sierra Nevadas of California and found myself partying on the beach in Mexico the same night. And after a few weeks in Santa Barbara getting a little taste of California college life, I find myself here recalling the MOMENTS.

Meredith and I singing Rent from the top of our lungs after seeing it live in Tacoma.
Eating take out Thai food and watching movies with Haley after bashing on Kathy all day for packing and moving her shit.
Ordering endless amounts of bar food on a rainy Sunday spar afternoon, playing rummy with my coworker Danny.
Samba dancing with Carlee at Folklife.
Freezing my buns off and screaming my lungs out with Patrick at the Enchanted Village.
Getting stalked by truck drivers on my way home after crashing my car in Portland.
Sunset golf rounds with my parents.
The sound of Rosie's voice when she shouted to my worried aunt, uncle, dog, dad, and I that she finally spotted our lilly pad-filled lake for which we'd been searching for hours.
Beer and fish tacos for breakfast...need I say more?
Laying on the beach in Santa B. after surfing...Rose, Josh, and I in silence, eyes closed, trying to recall a new memory.
The way it felt to hug my second mama, Kate.
A release of emotions upon a complete stranger.
The sting in out feet after a full game of Ultimate, wearing flipflops in a field of sage brush.
Being with an amazing friend the week of her wedding and hugging her goodbye on her honeymoon night.
Doing nothing but think, listen, and occasionally open my mouth by candle light with a comfortable blanket and company of Aaron Bell, warm beer, and good music.
It feels good to be able to think again.
I think I'll keep it up.


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