Sunday, January 20, 2008

Inspirational friends

I receive a weekly email from a man in who operates a spiritual center in Grass Valley. each week he sends a topic to ponder for the week, some questions to reflect upon, some history of human understanding and evolution of the subject. This week was INSPIRATION.

I was reminded of that as I went to type the title of this blog. I was inspired to write after finally looking at my friend Minerva's blog. I am now have this new avenue to keep myself updated on her feelings, thoughts, fears, events, visitors, new family...and to let her know how much I think about her and love her. I am so grateful to have her blog in my life.

The rationality that would follow is that I can blogg and offer this option to others in my life. Nope, i'm much too selfish. Her blogg appears to be such a wonderful way for her to reflect, express, get perspective...and I will take any opportunity I can get! Eventually I will consolidate it into one (okay, or two) concentrated places where I express through written word...I think this laptop with Internet at my fingertips might influence that. Easy as pie!

So back to the weekly reflection of inspiration:

WHO IS INSPIRED BY ME? my skiers, the youth in my mentoring groups (more so the high school students than the middle school proteges), Travis I believe, my Grandmothers, Julie, my mom at times.

WHAT QUALITIES MAKE ONE INSPIRING? vivacious, courageous, adventurous, committed, caring, risk-taking, creative

WHO HAS BEEN MOST INSPIRING TO ME? Grandpa Miller, my pops, Travis, Rose, Minerva, Meradith, Aaron, Kera, Ocean, Ryan

WHAT SITUATIONS HAVE INSPIRED MY LIFE? In general: taking risks and independently approaching new situations, places, and tasks, making decisions, being talented and capable at hobbies...more specifically: skiing, hiking, piano, going to college (and importantly, @ PLU), studying philosophy, psychology, and peace, outdoor recreation, traveling and working in Alaska, traveling in Spain, Panama, France, Mexico, Working in france, working with coalitions in Grass Valley, applying for graduate school

WHAT FEELINGS ARISE IN MY BODY WHEN I AM FULL OF INSPIRATION? hope, light and airiness, special, potential, love, care, importance

What better gift than that of is a feeling of renewal and potential, that you are surrounded by a loving, accepting world that desires all your love, power, and capabilities...a world that can be impacted by your thoughts and actions and will be all the better for it.

Give the gift of inspiration!


Blogger Minerva10616 said...

Oh Oh ( call on me) I have my hand raised high like a seven year old in fourth grade! Thanks Sis for the shout out- you inspire me too - i think - no i'm certain, that i started my blog back in the day when you were blogging at PLU. So funny how we help eachother make the merry go round. Will you please send me the weekly information for the reflection and or have you figured out how to make a link to it from your blog? Love you girl - love you so much it hurts sometimes.

January 21, 2008 at 5:52 AM  

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