I NEED to buy a plane ticket!
Do it!
When concern for the suffering of others is met with views of “what is she lacking personally that would make her fulfillment be contingent upon focusing on other’s discomforts?” and “you don’t know what we/they are experiencing, what gives you/me the right to intrude?” why do some take the struggle of actively addressing injustice and violence upon themselves? When one has “little to gain” and everything to loose, what compels a wealthy person to steel from the rich and give to the poor?
I've been dreaming in politics lately.
I haven't written because I am so saturated in my thoughts. I own them.
They are not yet skin this snake will shed.
I feel super good today. Just focused, yet relaxed. Balanced, efficient, chill...
Jane's house is having a Speak Easy party tonight. We're going prohibition style.
After hearing this articulate activist speek last night in the georgeous facilities of the Seattle Town hall I am left with some thoughts on masculinity. Bell was questioned why her work had recently devoted so much attention to men.
ALL women hunger for male love. Do they hunger for love from men or are there certain qualities of "masculine" love that love from females does not embrace?
Either way, there are few better gifts than freeing someone of their fears and restrictions. I would like to address the masculinity within the males of my life *******
I just, JUST, received a text message from my brother:
"You are pretty and fun and talented and special and i love and miss you"
*****and free them of the restraints they may feel. Selfish on not, free them to love me with every aspect of their being, without limit. And in this, they could holistically love every feature of themselves.
Approaching relationships in this way, whether one enters for this reason or not, they become a means for self-actualization. And love becomes the sincere desire for one's partner's actualization.
I had an unexpected, quite random perception of mutual love today. It stopped me dead in my tracks and left me overwhelmed with understanding and emotion. It left me feeling vulnerable in the most extreme degree yet invoked in me the concept of trust I rarely attend to. It made my eyes well up with tears and I could not keep a smile from my face: actions born in joy coinciding with sadness. I am so grateful. I do not fear its diminishment.